Quit Weed Articles

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50 Reasons to Quit Smoking Weed

Sebastian here. You know what? I tried to quit smoking weed so many times before I actually made it happen. When I look back now, it is obvious why I failed.

I would tell myself that this is my last bag, and that was pretty much my complete plan.

Then, when the bag of weed was fininshed - I was completely unprepared to quit smoking weed and scored more as quick as I could - usually a lot more so this didn't happen again for a while.

Without knowing it (or caring to know) - I was scared to face life without having weed to fall back on. Marijuana was my security smoke.

Have Reasons to Quit Smoking Weed - Or Prepare to Fail

People underestimate how powerful making a decision can be, if you actually make it!

What I mean by that is, you need to know on a deeper level why you are quitting. Something brought you to the decision to quit weed and you need to keep your eyes on the prize if you would like to make it reality.

Although I do not smoke weed anymore, I talk with marijuana addicts every day. Here are some of the most common reasons to quit smoking weed that other marijuana addicts have come up with when planning to quit weed.

These are personal reasons other marijuana smokers have come up with, some may relate to you, some may not. Pick some or make up your own list, this is a good first step to quitting weed:

50 Reasons to Quit Smoking Weed

marijuana list
  1. Clearer mind
  2. Massive amount of more energy
  3. Easier brething
  4. Look more rested and in control
  5. Improved mood control (be less moody)
  6. No more anxiety
  7. Have things to talk about
  8. Ability to talk with anyone
  9. No more paranoia (be honest - paranoia is common in weed smokers)
  10. Increase motivation

  11. Increase self-improvement
  12. Not having an addiction to think about
  13. No more guilt for no reason
  14. Become witty and fun to talk to again
  15. Less selfish behaviour
  16. The return of amazing dreams that help give you clarity
  17. No more wasting time
  18. Increased levels of communication
  19. Deeper relationships
  20. Look and feel better

  21. Dramatic improvement in smell, taste and hearing
  22. Increased patience
  23. Get on the same wave-length as the rest of the planet
  24. Finish one thing before starting another
  25. Become more stable in the workplace
  26. Feel refreshed and wake up strong in the morning
  27. Gain respect for yourself - it's called self-respect!
  28. Gain a huge amount of spare time
  29. Need hours less sleep, every night
  30. I won't know what to do with all the spare cashe

  31. Increase humility
  32. Become willing to ask others for help
  33. Get closer to my partner or family
  34. Learn easily and efficently - and enjoy it!
  35. Drive the speed limit :)
  36. Stop 'chasing' weed or looking to score all day
  37. No more supporting dealers (which is actually organized crime)
  38. Massive improvement in memory (short-term and long-term)
  39. Be articulate every day!
  40. Reduction in depression, even mild

  41. New ability to focus
  42. No more munchies or eating crap
  43. Clearer, larger and healthier lungs
  44. More joy in life
  45. True bonds with my friends, not co-dependent drug abuse relationships
  46. Confidence to get out there and try new things every day
  47. Be able to handle stressful situations (increased stress tolerance)
  48. Less worry, more happy
  49. No chance I can be arrested - I'm not breaking the law!
  50. Become more alive and outgoing in all aspects of my life

Pick your reason(s) to quit, it must be a big deal to you so that you can remind yourself of this when times get difficult. Which, by the way, is bound to happen if you don't have a plan to quit weed.

What if you can't quit weed?

If you are having trouble quitting weed on your own, make sure to check out the famous quit weed guide. This course uses proven methods such as NLP, and other modern startegies including Natural Marijuana Detox, to help you quit weed easily on your own.

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